Everything about Šuto Orizari

Herdelezi – Spring Festival

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Click To Play Video Herdelezi is the Roma spring festival. It is celebrated all over the Balkans, by Muslims as well as Christians, and not only by Roma. The Christians call it St. Georges day. In Šuto Orizari we celebrate like this: In the days before the festival all the houses are cleaned throughly inside […]

Open Fun Football Schools

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Click To Play Ambrela closely works together with Open Fun Football Schools. For Herdelezi Ambrela organized a football tournament for the youngsters of Šuto Orizari. We hope to get a football camp to Šuto Orizari this summer.

Everybody go to school!

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The key is in our hands: Everybody go to school! Slokucani, Skopje, Macedonia, July 2007 „Now let’s see: How many children do you have? Are they going to school? Do you have your ID? Your insurance card? A passport? Do you have running water? Sewage? Telephone?“ „I wanted to go to school but the headmaster […]

Готвачи – Cooks

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Ромите работат и како готвачи повеке работата во ромски свадби и други свечаности но дел од нив работат во ресторантите во општината. Roma are working as cooks at Roma weddings and other events like circumcisions, birthdays or final exams and so on. Soe also work in restaurants in the commune.

Fortune telling-Тарот

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Fortune telling is one of the many professions in Shuto Orizari ! Тарот е една од професите во Шуто Оризари !

We have poor and rich people in Šuto Orizari. This is an example of a rich man’s house. This is one of the richest people in Šuto Orizari. He is dealing in textiles. He imports material from China, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He employs about ten people. And this is a street where poor Roma […]